This site provides news and information about the TALE project and its research on developing child friendly approached to law and legal process. The site website is managed by one of the partners in the TALE project - the European Children's Rights Unit at the University of Liverpool. The other partners in the projects are Save the Children Italy, Scuola superiore dell’Avvocatura, Save the Children Romania, Defence for Children International, The Instituto de Apoio à Criança, La Merced Migraciones Foundation, and Investing in Children. This site will disseminate information on the progress and methodology of the research project and at the end of the project it will provide lawyers with access to training resources.
We are constantly working to raise the bar on our services. If you have any questions or concerns about your experience, please let us know. Our support concierges are available 24/7.
Cary Rowan
+1 (805) 555 0123
Kennedy Kosciuszko
+1 (805) 555 0110
Jared Lowry
+1 (626) 555 0123
The UK part of the TALE project is coordinated by:
The European Children's Rights Unit, School of Law & Social Justice, Eleanor Rathbone Building
University of Liverpool
L69 7ZS
TALE is Funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the project’s partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.